Internship in an educational Museum
By: Hessel

5th of December 2013- I am very happy with how things are going so far. The people at my internship organization are very nice and have been very welcoming and I am happy with the tasks I get to do. I completed the mandatory training and experienced it as very educating and liked that I did not just get to sit back and listen, but also participate actively in it. As a result, I feel very comfortable in the workspace and I am convinced the remaining time at my internship will be very valuable as well.
I am very satisfied with how things are going so far and can't think of anything right now which could improve my internship experience.
My tasks are very similar to the tasks stated in my Training Plan. So far, I have been mainly involved with educational programming and to a lesser extent with library and archives related tasks. However, in the coming weeks I am planning to be increasingly involved in those departments as well.
My internship is absolutely living up to my expectations. Occasionally, I have to do very simple tasks like stuffing envelopes or arranging new manuals. In general, I feel like I am being challenged a lot and that the experience I am gaining here will help me in my future career.