International Business Internship/ J-1 Visa
By: Ruben

November 7th 2013- My internship is going pretty well. I found my place here quick and the people are very nice. It helped a lot that i have already lived here before because i still know a lot of people and it is for me easier to feel comfortable in the workplace that way.
It is going pretty well! I found my place here quick and the people are very nice.
I have been following my training plan, and i have been working a lot with social media marketing and i am about to finish that up. The internship is living up my expectations, besides the fact that it is a non profit organization. I am used to work for organizations with the goal to make profit and the focus is a little different. However, the working atmosphere is really good and that makes up a lot for it.
If i could improve something in my internship i would like to work in a more international environment because i am studying International Business.