Event Management Internship in San Diego
By: Kimberly

March 9, 2016:
For school I have to do a three-month internship. I really wanted to go to the USA, but I knew that it was going to be a challenge. Lots of things need to be arranged, let alone finding an internship. I knew that I needed help and found Stage-USA online. I had a conversation with a Stage-USA representative and knew right away that they were the ones who were going to help me find the internship of my dreams! They assisted me with finding a suitable internship, helped me with all the paper work and supported me when needed. They arranged my visa through a sponsor in the USA, which also includes healthcare!
Dinner and drinks close to the beach after work? San Diego makes it possible!
Stage-USA assisted me with finding a suitable internship, helped me with all the paper work and supported me when needed. They arranged my visa through a sponsor in the USA, which also includes healthcare!
I needed to fill in so many documents that I couldn’t see the forest for its trees but luckily Stage USA helped me with everything and made the process so much easier! I have been in San Diego for 1 month already and I will stay 3 more. My internship is amazing; my tasks are what I expected and my colleagues are great! My apartment is good and I have wonderful roommates. I live only 4 blocks away from the beach and I am surrounded by a lot if bars and social clubs. Time is passing by and I don’t feel like going home!
Keeping it Dutch in the U.S!
A cosy room only 4 blocks away from the beach!