Anke joined the Women's Football Tackle team of Chicago!
6 juli 2015
One of our students from Germany, who is currently doing an internship in Chicago, joined the Football team and wants to share this great experience with you:
''I decided to join the Women's Football Tackle team of Chicago, and it was the best decision I've ever made! It is a great experience every single time I go to practice (2-3 times a week), because the people on this team are just great. I'm a rookie and never played football before in my life, but they are teaching me step by step, so I can improve every practice. Plus, I made new friends that I hang out with over the weekend, etc.
We just finished our regular season 7-1!''
''Last weekend playoffs started and we won 71:13 defeating Cleveland in the first round at home. From now in we are travelling for the rest of the playoffs (Boston, D.C., L.A.).
In the second round, we're playing Boston (in Boston) on 7/11. Our goal is to make it all the way to the National Championship game in L.A. at the beginning of August!''
Way to go Anke! We from Stage-USA wish you good luck in the playoffs! (Don't) break a leg!