Meet Liedeke in New York!

"First of all, everything is possible here. I walk out of my apartment and everything is there, many different shops, places to eat, theaters, everything! That’s definitely something I’m going to miss when I’m back home. Also I’m impressed how extreme people celebrate days such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Especially Halloween and Thanksgiving, which we do not celebrate in The Netherlands are so much fun to experience here."
We asked Liedeke some questions about her Marketing and Communications Internship in the Fashion Industry in the heart of New York!
Why did you choose to go abroad?
I always wanted to go abroad during my study. If I won’t do it I will probably regret it later. After having traveled to NYC on holiday a few times, I am excited to have the chance to spend more time here and to be able to do things I wasn’t able to as a tourist. Working and living like a local puts this big city in a completely different perspective.
How did you find your internship?
I found my internship due to social media.
How do you feel about your internship so far?
I really like my internship. I love working with my co-workers. Everyone is so kind and respectful. No day is the same and I’m never bored. I’m able to do a lot of different things. My main task is working on the back-end of the website and help to improve. Also I’m working on social media with some of my co-workers.
How does the American culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you the most?
First of all, everything is possible here. I walk out of my apartment and everything is there, many different shops, places to eat, theaters, everything! That’s definitely something I’m going to miss when I’m back home. Also I’m impressed how extreme people celebrate days such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Especially Halloween and Thanksgiving, which we do not celebrate in The Netherlands are so much fun to experience here.
Could you take us through a day? What is your routine?
My alarm goes off at 7:30am, but I go out of bed at 8am. I get some breakfast and relax a little. I like to take the time for everything in the morning. At 9:30am I’m going to work by subway. My working days start at 10am. Around 12pm I will get some lunch. My favorite places to get lunch are Sweetgreen, Chipotle and Dig Inn. At 6pm I’m going back home and get dinner where I live. After dinner it differs every day what I will do. Sometimes I like to do some shopping or watch a movie in the theaters. But when I’m tired I like to relax in my room.
What is your housing situation? Do you live in an apartment? Roommates? Housemates?
I live in The Webster Apartments at 34th street. Only women can stay here. There are women from different places, but we are all in the same situation and you make friends really fast. I have my own room, but have to share a couple bathrooms with the other girls on my floor. My room isn’t big, but I think it’s perfect. There is 24/7 security, which makes me feel save. 34th street is a busy street with a lot of shops and places to eat. It’s close to Hudson Yards and Times Square. Also on the rooftop of The Webster Apartments you have an incredible view of the Empire state Building!
Have you made any trips so far?
I’ve been to Tarry Town twice. It’s less than an hour with the train from New York City and a nice escape for a day. A weekend to Washington is planned and I really looking forward to it! It’s about four hours with the bus from New York City. Also I want to go to Boston someday, but there is nothing planned yet.
What are your future plans?
After New York I need to go back to The Netherlands to graduate from my study Fashion & Textile Technologies. After that I’m going to do another bachelor in Soil, Water and Atmosphere. Something totally different and a new challenge, but I’m excited. Hopefully I will get another chance to spend some time abroad during my study.
How has this experience abroad helped you grow both professionally and personally?
This is my first time living on my own, far away from my family and friends. I’ve learnt to be more independent and to make my own choices, to know what I want and when I need to take a step back. Also you meet so many different people. Some of them become friends, because you can share things with each other what other people may not understand.
Why would you recommend others to do their internship/traineeship abroad?
Going abroad takes you out of your comfort zone, to be far away from everything you’ve ever know. You will grow as a person in so many different ways.
If you could express your internship experience in three words, what would these be?